Because of the large burden of life that has accumulated in the hearts of anyone, lest someone feel a heavy burden, heavy load of pent-that is what we call stress. Stress or depression is caused because of the large load, more for energy negative thinking. A negative mind will make us become mentally weak and helpless in the face of various problems.
Stress or depression that would damage the growing mentally. Mental depression among people who are feeling scared, feeling a heavy burden, and angry and can not think clearly like healthy people. Depression will continue to cause disease psykhsomatis.
This disease can also interfere with other organs, like heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and ends on mental disorders. If the leave will disrupt the journey of the human mind and lead to stroke, coma and death. The disease is actually more on the mental self-mastery. Not rely on medication from a doctor but it relies on how our mental control. The main source psykhsomatis mental illness comes from negative thinking
Worried about the future, worried that there is no solution or for those people who are not stupid anxiety can be overcome with a healthy ratio so that anxiety into a mental mendendap samapi into the human subconscious. So sometimes what is said he did not understand his own